Mobile CAD

MACH (Mobile Architecture for Communications Handling) is a Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) application that provides real time monitoring and communication for law enforcement at a minimal cost.

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In the Field

MACH gives public safety personnel in the field the advantage of having all of the information they need to do their jobs and make on the spot judgment calls, all in one simple console. With a subset of the same information that the command or communication center has, including mapping, the field officer is empowered with the tools necessary to do their job well while keeping safe.

  • Cross agency interoperability between federal, state, county, and local law enforcement, EMS, emergency rooms, and fire.
  • Instant messaging between users.
  • Chat rooms.
  • Alerts (amber, stolen vehicle, wanted person, weather, officer needs assistance, etc.)
  • First Responder sessions (accident, crime, natural disaster, etc.)
  • Command center operations.
  • Communication center operations.
  • GPS/AVL.
  • Real time, in-car mapping of other user's locations using Google Maps.
  • BOT support for external system interfaces (TraCS, NCIC/NLETS, Query Central, etc.)

Command and Communications Center

MACH gives the command and communication center officials an arena-view of all resources including law enforcement, EMS, and fire. Knowing exactly where all of the resources are that can be deployed to an incident from a visual representation, allows command decisions to be made efficiently and intelligently. Not only is the agency that the resource is from known, but the type of agency, type of vehicle, and the attributes of the user (such as HazMat certified, K9, CPR, CDL, etc.) are available, making it easy to determine who to send where based on current location and skill sets.

Security Features

MACH combines the most current technology and security protocols available to ensure that the application and data don't get compromised.

  • Meets or exceeds CJIS Security Policy 4.5 and FBI security guidelines.
  • Strong password and password expiration rules.
  • Dual factor authentication built in. No need for additional hardware or software.
  • FIPS 140-2 compliant with 256 bit encryption.
  • Client registration needed on server before application will work.
  • Permission based functionality ensures only certain users can see and talk to other users within your agency or with outside agencies.
  • Session based permissions allows all users to see and talk to all other users during an emergency incident. When the emergency is over and the session expires, normal permissions are automatically reestablished.